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Abeta (1-42) |
发布日期:2025-01-04 15:23    点击次数:113
北鱼生物,国内稳定同位素产品供货商,包括2H(氘代)、13C、15N、17O和18O等同位素产品,产品种类齐全,包括:无机物、有机物、糖类、氨基酸、维生素、胆汁酸、儿茶酚胺、类固醇、药物中间体、新生儿筛选所有标品及其系列同位素产品。稳定同位素标记物由于其质谱与对应的非标记元素的差异,使其可示踪,被广泛应用于药物分析、食品分析、环境监测、物化工程和生物制药等多领域。为方便科研工作者及时使用,我司已备货部分产品,欢迎您的咨询。 Agrisera针对植物蛋白质的保守氨基酸序列,独家开发了数十种通用抗体,这类抗体几乎可以与所有的高等生物有免疫反应,可为研究人员提供极为方便的选择。其中包括常用的植物Rubisco抗体,Rubisco即核酮糖二磷酸羧化酶,是植物组织中广泛存在的一种高丰度蛋白,在一些植物学WB检测时,经常被用作内参抗体使用。 Agrisera is a swedish company specializing in custom and commercial antibody production, offering 1000 primary antibodies, mainly for plant and algal cell biology research and over 2000 secondary antibodies for various applications and in various quantities, all available online. 30 years in the antibody business have taught us a lot and we are proud  to say there are few problems we cannot help you to solve. Agrisera is easy to contact and as a client you get direct access to Agrisera staff scientists who will answer all you queries promptly. You are welcome to visit our website to browse our antibodies and other reagents, or read our blog and see what we have been up to lately. Antibody Production For the last 30 years we have produced thousands of custom antibodies for academic research worldwide as well as industry, diagnostics, and pharma. With our own animal facilities and immunological services in-house, we can offer antibody production for almost any research and scale needed. A list of chosen scientific references for antibodies produced at Agrisera can be found on our website. BYAA-2275-PC-020 Human Anti-G3PDH Antibody 20 µl BYAA-2275-PC-020 Human Anti-G3PDH Antibody 20 µl BYAA-2275-PC-100 Human Anti-G3PDH Antibody 100 µl  BYAA-2280-MC-100 Anti-Bax Monoclonal Antibody(Clone YTH-5B7)  100 µg BYAA-2281-MC-100 Anti-Bax Monoclonal Antibody(Clone YTH-6A7) 100 µg BYAA-2282-MC-100 Anti-Bax Monoclonal Antibody(Clone YTH-2D2) 100 µg BYAA-2290-MC-100 Anti-Bcl-2 Monoclonal Antibody(Clone YTH-10C4) 100 µg BYAA-2291-MC-100 Anti-Bcl-2 Monoclonal Antibody(Clone YTH-8C8) 100 µg BYAA-2300-MC-100 Anti-Bcl-XL Monoclonal Antibody(Clone YTH-2H12) 100 µg BYAA-2305-PC-020 Anti-Cleaved-Caspase-3 PC Sample 20 µl  BYAA-2305-PC-100 Anti-Cleaved-Caspase-3 PC 100 µl  BYAA-3400-010-01 Cultrex Laminin(mouse) 1 mg BYAA-3400-010-02 Cultrex Laminin(mouse) (PC) 1 mg BYAA-3410-010-01 Cultrex Collagen IV 1 mg BYAA-3400-010-02 Cultrex® Laminin(mouse) (PC) 1 mg BYAA-3400-010-03 Cultrex® Stem Cell Qualified Laminin(mouse) 1 mg BYAA-3415-001-02 Cultrex Human BME PathClear 1 mg/ 1ml BYAA-3415-001-03 Cultrex® Stem Cell Qualified Human BME, PathClear 1 mg/ 1ml BYAA-3416-001-01 Cultrex Fibronectin 1 mg BYAA-3417-001-01